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Regulating Cannabis and CBD: Congress and the Administration Weigh In

Cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD) discussions are taking center stage as policymakers and regulators consider proposals to establish a consistent framework for cannabis products. This includes legislation recently introduced by Senators Schumer, Wyden, and Booker that encourages discussion from all stakeholders to drive the narrative on cannabis and CBD-related issues and regulation. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent objection to two applications for CBD to be marketed as a dietary supplement further demonstrates the need for FDA oversight in cannabis regulatory paths being considered by Congress.

As the CBD market continues to grow to more than $6 billion, unfortunately, marketing tactics continue to mislead consumers into trying it for a variety of ailments, sometimes even foregoing prescriptions from their physicians. Consumers need to know that CBD does not come without health risks. We’re encouraged to see the FDA continue to take these risks seriously – the recent objection in the absence of adequate safety data underscores the importance of giving the agency the tools they need to protect consumers.

Consumers for Safe CBD continues to advocate for meaningful CBD regulations and important incentives for further clinical studies. We’re encouraged to see recent legislative language acknowledge that the FDA is best suited to take the lead in regulating cannabis products, along with the FTC on enforcement issues.

The FDA is our nation’s premier, health sciences and consumer protection agency. For more than 115 years, Americans have trusted FDA to regulate the safety, quality, and reliability of products. We’ve grown accustomed to the FDA’s “gold standard,” and the same commitment and informed approach should apply when it comes to cannabis and CBD.

In the coming months, we anticipate continued policymaker and regulator engagement and look forward to working with key decisionmakers to advance balanced, sensible solutions to protect consumers from unregulated CBD products. We can’t afford to wait.

For more information, visit 4safeCBD.

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