The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) recently released a paper that addresses safety issues and side effects in older adults using CBD. According to GSA, “Use of CBD products is growing among older adults. Chronic conditions may lead them to seek alternative approaches to manage pain, insomnia, anxiety, and some symptoms of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.”
The majority of retail CBD products on the market today are not scientifically tested and are not regulated by the FDA. Mislabeling and drug interaction can pose serious health risks, especially to seniors.
A recent article in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News reports a significant increase in cannabidiol-related calls to poison control centers -- up from 3 to 2,218 between 2014 and 2020, according to William J. Lynch Jr., BPharm, RPh, of Jefferson Health and Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, in New Jersey.
In addition to contamination concerns, it is known that CBD consumed as an ingredient in a non-FDA-approved medical product can produce acute impairment of attention, memory, verbal learning, executive function and psychomotor function. It is critical that seniors consult their physician before using non-FDA-approved CBD products – the risks are too great.
Read the full GSA study here.